Graduate and Professional Students

The Office of Disability Services offers all of our services to both undergraduate and graduate students. However, we understand that the needs of graduate students can sometimes be different so wanted to provide some additional information and resources aimed specifically at graduate students. In addition to on call hours offered Monday-Friday at the Office of Disability Services, Nychey Michel will also be available for drop-ins at the Graduate Student Lounge the first two Wednesday's of the month from 2:00-4:00pm.

Internships/ Fieldwork

If you have an internship or fieldwork that is a required part of your graduate coursework please connect with your ODS coordinator to discuss any accommodations that may be needed in that environment. We will work closely with your site to determine what may be appropriate accommodations within the context of your role.

Comprehensive & Dissertation Accommodations

We understand that graduate work often involves exams that go beyond the classroom such as qualifying exams, proficiency exams and comprehensive exams. Many of the accommodations you have been approved for will apply differently to these exams and the dissertation phase of your program. Please be sure to talk with your coordinator when you transition to this phase of your program so we can work on creating appropriate accommodations.

Graduate/ Teaching Assistantships

If you are currently working as a graduate or teaching assistant as part of your graduate program, and need accommodations to fulfill the duties of that position, the Office of Employment Equity can assist in approving and implementing accommodations.


Graduate Student Life:

Health & Wellness Services: