If you are an incoming undergraduate student for Fall 2025, registered with ODS, and seeking accommodations for your placement exams, you are not held to the 30-day deadline for taking these exams. Your deadline will be extended accordingly, and you can take your placement exams with accommodations. Please do not take any placement exams until the accommodations process is completed.
Due to the influx of new students registering with the Office of Disability Services, scheduling a timely intake meeting with your Coordinator may be difficult. ODS does not want the intake meeting to delay your access to the placement exams and has a process to approve provisional (temporary) accommodations. Please schedule your intake as soon as possible and submit any relevant documentation to expedite the process. Most students with documentation (e.g., IEP, 504 Plan, provider letter) supporting a history of using accommodations can be provisionally approved for test accommodations for the placement exams. Further discussion of accommodations for your fall classes and beyond will be discussed during your intake meeting.
You will receive an email with additional information when test accommodations are approved/provisionally approved.
Please review the ODS Documentation Guidelines
Email documentation to
Testing & Placement information