Barrier Buster Information

Barrier Busters are resources across campus that help eliminate barriers to a full Rutgers experience. 


If you experience any of the following barriers, please contact Facilities for support:

  • Outdoor lights are out, pavement is broken, etc.
  • Academic building is locked.
  • Elevator is broken.
  • Accessible door opener does not work.
  • Snow/ice removal is needed.


Phone number: 848-445-1234

Submit a work order: Maintenance Request

Transportation Services

If you experience any of the following barriers, please contact Transportation Services for support:

  • Problems with buses.
  • Additional parking needed.
  • Questions about where to park.


Phone: 848-932-7744

RUPD/Public Safety

If you experience any of the following barriers, please contact RUPD for support:

  • An academic building is locked.
  • Car battery is dead.
  • Accessible parking is blocked.
  • Evacuation support needed during an emergency.


Phone: Emergency 9-1-1, Non-Emergency 732-932-7211

Dean of Students

If you experience any of the following barriers, please contact the Dean of Students office for support:

  • I am injured/I have become ill.
  • I have a temporary condition (broken bone, concussion, etc.).


Phone: (848) 932-2300

Concerned about a friend or classmate? Share your concern with the Dean of Students on the Concern page.

Learning Center

If you experience any of the following barriers, please contact the Learning Centers for support:

  • I need tutoring/study support.
  • I'm looking for academic coaching.
  • I'm looking for writing coaching.
  • I want to join a study group.


Phone: (848) 932-0561

Housing and Dining

If you experience any of the following barriers, please contact Housing and Dining for support:

  • Something is broken in my room.
  • I have dietary restrictions.

Website: Housing and Dining Overview, Dining Services Website


For issues not covered above, please report a barrier here