Messenger Pigeon
(Formerly Note Taking Express (NTE)) | Online or in-person classes | - Reliable service that returns notes within 48 hours
- Use with mobile app or computer
- Provides immediate transcript of recording
- Notes provided by someone familiar with the subject
- Can translate into life after college
| - Notes provided by someone who was not present in class
- Supplemental material must be uploaded to maximize benefit, i.e., class slides or documents
- Requires a comfort level with technology
Glean | Online or in-person classes; students who prefer to take their own notes | - Ability to make quick bookmarks and use color-coding while audio is recording
- Revisiting audio recording to add notes may help with the retention of information
- Can import slides, images, and PDF documents
- Provides immediate transcript of recording
- Can enable closed captioning
- Has 'study buddy' to quiz you on the content of the transcript/recording
- Has a scribble feature, great for noting formulas
- Can be used offline
- Can translate into life after college
| - No assistance from a note-taker
- Requires a comfort level with technology
Digital Recorders | Online or in-person classes | - Allows for revisiting of audio to take notes
- Simple technology
| - No assistance from a note-taker
- More difficult to revisit specific points in the lecture
Peer Note-takers | In-person classes or online classes with a live or streamed lecture | - Notes from someone who attended the same class and has the correct context for notes
| - Reliant on students who have responsibilities of their own
- Note-taker may have a different style of note-taking than receiving student
- Not useful for online classes