Getting Registered

Students with a documented disability looking to register for reasonable accommodations and services at Rutgers University should:

1. Complete and submit the Registration Form.

Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email of your submission.

2. Schedule and complete an intake meeting.

Upon receipt of the registration form, a coordinator from ODS will contact you to schedule an intake meeting. Your coordinator will be your direct point of contact with our office. This meeting can be done in person, by Zoom or by phone.

3. Submit appropriate documentation.

On or before your intake meeting, please submit the appropriate documentation that meets ODS guidelines for your disability by any of the following methods:

  1. Uploading your documentation
  2. Sending an email to:
  3. Faxing to 732-445-3388
  4. Bringing the documentation to your appointment

Upon completion of your intake, ODS will then review your documentation. Students will receive a response in a timely manner with one of the following application statuses:​

  • Reasonable Accommodations Approved: when a student’s request for reasonable accommodations has been approved, the student will be notified to make a follow-up meeting with their assigned disability coordinator at their campus to finalize the process for receiving their reasonable accommodations. This follow-up meeting can be done in-person, over the phone, or via Zoom, whatever is easiest for the student. During this meeting, there will be a review of how to implement the approved accommodations and assist the student in completing the Letter of Accommodations form.
  • More Information Needed: when a student’s request for reasonable accommodations cannot be approved due to the fact that additional information is needed to substantiate the need for reasonable accommodations, the student will be notified that they will need to schedule a follow-up meeting with their assigned disability coordinator at their campus.
  • Application Not Approved: when a student’s request for reasonable accommodations is not approved, the coordinator will contact the student to explain the rationale for the denial and discuss next steps, if applicable.

Please note that depending on your schedule and when documentation is received this process can sometimes take up to 30 days.