Remote Exam Accommodation FAQs

I’m new to online course design, are there any resources specifically for designing assessments? 

Teaching and Learning with Technology offers a variety of resources, from the DIY Online Course Development Toolkit to working with an instructional designer. For resources specifically on assessments check out their 5 Tips Series and Alternative Assessments videos.  

When is the deadline for students to submit Letters of Accommodation? 

A Letter of Accommodations (LOA) is a document provided by the Office of Disability Services that explains to faculty the reasonable accommodations to be provided to a student. It is important that the student and professor have a clear understanding of what is agreed upon regarding the use and implementation of these accommodations. 

Students are encouraged to submit their LOA to their professor as early in the semester as possible.  However, it should be understood that accommodation approvals occur throughout the semester, and students can submit the LOA at any point.  In these cases, accommodations are in place when the student submits the LOA to faculty and are not retroactive. 

How do I extend time for students with accommodations in Canvas? 

Step-by-step instructions on how to provide extended time for exam/quizzes for one or more students are available at Canvas Quizzes – How do I provide accommodations for my students? This page includes both a video and links to written instructions. 

For help calculating extended time, use our exam calculator.

NOTE: Make sure to scroll down on the page to "Moderate Quiz" and "Moderate Quiz for Multiple Users" for adding extended time for more than one student at once. 

Who do I contact if I’m having a Canvas Issue during an exam? 

If your exam is underway and a tech issue occurs, please contact the Canvas Helpdesk. 

New Brunswick 


Who should students contact if they’re having Canvas issues during an exam? 

If your exam is underway and a student experiences tech issues, they can contact the ITS Helpdesk. 

New Brunswick 


Can I get a list of students in my class with accommodations from ODS? 

Students are encouraged to submit exam request forms to ODS notifying us that they intend to use their accommodations 1 week prior to an exam or quiz. This allows us to send both you, the instructor, and the student an exam confirmation ensuring the exam details are correct and serving as a reminder to both you and the student. At this time, we are unable to pull a list of students approved for accommodations by course. Accommodations are confidential, and it is a student's choice to disclose their status with ODS to their professor. All students who have provided their faculty with a Letter of Accommodations (LOA) should be provided with their accommodations.